For athletes

Whether you are a runner, a cyclist, a martial artist or any other athlete, Function performance breathwork training is for you. Most people think that increasing your cardio is the best way to increase energy, stamina, and vitality. Cardio can certainly help but cardio works on the heart and blood vessels’ capacity to deliver oxygen to the cells. FPB works on increasing the amount of oxygen that is actually in the bloodstream getting to the cells. Cardio is also limited to your muscles capacity to sustain work long enough to work your lungs. If your actual breathing muscles (diaphragm, internal and external intercostals,, transverse abdominis, and obliques) are weak or deconditioned they will fatigue long before muscles doing the work of your sport (legs, arms, etc).

Having a specific and separate breathing muscle workout ( at least until you’ve built a high level of conditioning and strength in these muscles) is vital to developing your peak conditioning. Marty used these specific techniques and exercises to prepare for and win a gold medal at the Masters World Brazilian Jiu Jitsu championships. He knows without a doubt that this was his “secret weapon” during that event (for anyone training BJJ who’d interest in knowing more about this go to